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5 best exercise to increase stamina and strength

What is Stamina?

Stamina exercises are body movements that improve your energy levels and increase endurance. There are plenty of stamina workouts you can try, like Surya Namaskar, Cardio, etc. Running also helps in increasing stamina.

What are Stamina Exercises?

Exercise to increase stamina can be done easily at home.

Stamina exercises in five sessions:

1) 20 mins of Straight Jumps, 10 times Squats, 15-20 times of Star Jumps, and 10-12 times of Push-ups and Jump Squats.

2) 40 mins of Frog Jump, 6-8 times of Reverse Push up, 50-60 times of   Mountain Climber and High Knees with 10-12 times of Side to Side Shuffle and Sprawl.

3) 40 mins of Jumping Jacks, 30-40 times of Footfires with 12-15 times of Jump Squat, Curtsy Lunges, Skater Jump, Jumping T’s, and Burpees.

4) 35 mins of High Plank Jacks, 50-60 times of High Knees with 12-15 times of Standing Straddle, Sprawl, Power Jacks, and Frog Jump.

5) 20 mins of Boat Pose with 12-15 times of Side Plank, Push up, Chair Dips and Squats.

What Causes Low Stamina?

Low diet, avoidance of physical exercises, drug and alcohol consumption, old age, depression and anxiety, and some medical conditions like asthma are some of the main reasons for low stamina.

Symptoms of Low Stamina

These are some of the most common symptoms of low stamina:

  • Tiredness after performing even a small activity
  • Weariness Lethargy
  • Fatigue Chest Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Rapid heart rate

Who Can Do Stamina Exercise?

With the right guidance and proper equipment, anyone can do exercise to increase stamina.

Who Should Avoid Stamina Workouts?

People with asthma, pregnant women, and people with bone or spine injuries shouldn’t do stamina workouts without consulting a health expert or gym instructor.

List of Best Stamina Workouts

Some of the best exercise to increase stamina:

  • Mountain Climber
  • High Knees Burpees
  • Frog Jumps
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Running

What Exercise Increases Stamina the Most At Home?

In Mountain Climbing, you’ve to get into a plank position for body weight to be evenly distributed. Then pull your right knee, bringing it closer to the chest. Bring your left leg to its previous position and pull it repeatedly to the chest. Keep your hips down and do the climbing positions as fast as you can.

In Burpees, you’ve to sit in a squat position with your knees bent with a straight back and a shoulder-wide gap between your feet. Then, lower your hands and kick back your feet and come back to the squat position. Get up and reach your arms overhead and jump quickly and land on the same spot with straight legs. After landing, get into the squat position and repeat the push-up.

During Frog Jumps, you have to stand straight and then sit in with a wide gap between your feet. Then jump forward and up and after landing, squat. After that, jump back and return to your initial position.

In Jumping Jacks, you need to stand straight with your hands should resting on your thighs. Then bend your knees and open your arms and legs. Until the hands come over the head, continue spreading your hands, keeping your legs wider than your shoulder.

Running is the most commonly used exercise to increase stamina. You have to align your ankles with your body. Your arms should swing symmetrically at a 90-degree angle with your chest straight and try to run faster as you can.

Health Benefits of Increasing Stamina

There are many, benefits: It improves mental health, better sleep, and your workability also increases.


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